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I will be travelling by car from Chicago down to the deserts of Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico from Sep 24 to October 11.  It's a sort of clear-my-head road trip following all that's happened…
[Total Count in References: Jehovah - 26, Jesus – 3, Organization – 3, Governing Body – 5] Treasures from Gods Word – Blessings that restored Israel would enjoy [Count: Jehovah - 5] Ezekiel 47:13,14…
[From ws17/7 p. 17 – September 11-17] “Praise Jah! . . . How pleasant and fitting it is to praise him!” – Ps 147:1 (Occurrences: Jehovah=53; Jesus=0) This is a study that reviews the 147th Psalm and…
A new policy letter dated September 1, 2017 covering child abuse in the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses has just been released to the Bodies of Elders in Australia.  At the time of this writing,…
Treasures from Gods Word – Pure Worship Restored  Ezekiel 45:16 – The people would support those whom Jehovah had appointed to take the lead (w99 3/1 10 para 10) Please take a moment to read Ezekiel…
[From ws7/17 p. 12 – September 4-10] “Keep encouraging one another and building one another up.” – 1Th 5:11 (Occurrences: Jehovah=23; Jesus=16) Having suffered the recent loss of my wife after four…
One has to be very careful what one accepts as true in these days of social media news.  While the term "fake news" is often misapplied due to the tweets of one particular man, there is a lot of real…
[A special thanks goes out to contributing writer, Tadua, whose research and reasoning are the basis for this article.] In all likelihood, only a minority of Jehovah’s Witnesses have viewed the…
Treasures from Gods Word – Ezekiel’s Temple Vision and you Ezekiel 40:2 – Jehovah’s worship is elevated high above any other form of worship (w99 3/1 11 para 16 The reference states in the last…
This week Witnesses start to study the July issue of the Watchtower Study Edition.  A while ago, we published a review of a secondary article in this issue which you can view below. However,…
[From ws17/7 p. 7 – August 28-September 3] “Make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches.”— Lu 16:9 (Occurrences: Jehovah=15; Jesus=21) This week’s Watchtower study opens by…
Treasures from God's Word – Gog of Magog will soon be destroyed. The more we study the Bible without the influence of the teachings of the Organization, particularly with regard to types and…