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 [From ws12/16 p. 24 February 20-26] “Whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.”— He 11:6   This is one of those “feel good…
[From ws12/16 p. 19 February 13-19] “Throw all your anxiety on [Jehovah], because he cares for you.” – 1Pe 5:7   This is a rare Watchtower study article.  I do not mean to sound condescending,…
 [From ws12/16 p. 13 February 6-12] “Those who live according to the spirit, [set their minds] on the things of the spirit.” – Ro 8:5 This is such an important topic that it seems fitting to approach…
[Enoch was kind enough to lighten my load this week by supplying most of the research and wording for this article.] [From ws12/16 p. 26 January 30-February 5] “Sin must not be master over you,…
[From ws11/16 p. 26 January 23-29] “Get out of her, my people.” – Re 18:4 What does it mean to break free from false religion? The answer, according to this week’s Watchtower study is: In the…
This week's study in the God's Kingdom Rules book celebrates the organization's use, from early on, of a “variety of methods of preaching to reach the largest audience possible”. The study is taken…
 [From ws11/16 p. 21 January 16-22] If you are reading this for the second time, you will notice some changes. I realized I had mistakenly crossed two unrelated articles in this review and have now…
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive!” -  Canto VI, XVII, popularized by the Scottish poem, Marmion. It is an accepted truism that lies beget more lies as the liar…
 [From ws11/16 p. 14 January 9-15] “When you received God’s word…you accepted it… just as it truthfully is, as the word of God.” (1Th 2:13) The theme text for this study is an abridged version of…
 [From ws12/16 p. 9 January 2-8] The three “theme questions” for this study are: What convinces you that Jehovah is the incomparable Organizer? Why is it reasonable to conclude that Jehovah’s…
Covering Chapter 6 Paragraphs 1-7 of God’s Kingdom Rules Every so often a claim is made in a publication that is so ridiculous, so obviously false, that one has to bite one’s own tongue at the…
[From ws12/16 p. 4 December 26-January 1] The opening example in this week’s study teaches us something we can all agree upon: it is a fine thing to encourage someone when they’re feeling depressed,…