Alle Underwerpen > Trije-ienheid

Hokker Bibeloersetting is it meast akkuraat? From time to time, I get asked to recommend a Bible translation. Often, it’s ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses who ask me because they have come to see how flawed the New World Translation is.  To be fair, while the Witness Bible has its flaws, it...

De Trije-ienheid: jûn troch God of boarne troch satan? Each time I’ve released a video on the Trinity – this will be the fourth one – I get people commenting that I don’t really understand the Trinity doctrine. They are right. I don’t understand it. But here’s the thing: Each time someone has...

It bestean fan 'e logo's bewiist de trije-ienheid In my last video on the Trinity, we examined the role of Holy Spirit and determined that whatever it actually is, it is not a person, and so could not be the third leg in our three-legged Trinity stool.  I got a lot of staunch defenders of...

De trije-ienheid ûndersykje: diel 1, Wat leart skiednis ús?

Eric: Hoi, myn namme is Eric Wilson. De fideo dy't jo steane te sjen is ferskate wiken lyn opnommen, mar troch sykte koe ik it oant no net foltôgje. It sil de earste wêze fan ferskate fideo's dy't de lear fan 'e Trije-ienheid analysearje. Ik doch de fideo mei Dr ....




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