Ce traducere a Bibliei este cea mai exactă?

https://youtu.be/kaE6ATdyNo8 From time to time, I get asked to recommend a Bible translation. Often, it’s ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses who ask me because they have come to see how flawed the New World Translation is.  To be fair, while the Witness Bible has its flaws, it...

Trinitatea: dată de Dumnezeu sau obținută de Satana?

https://youtu.be/KHn66Af8C2c Each time I’ve released a video on the Trinity – this will be the fourth one – I get people commenting that I don’t really understand the Trinity doctrine. They are right. I don’t understand it. But here’s the thing: Each time someone has...

Existența logo-ului neagă Trinitatea

https://youtu.be/O_5_OqnnF6M In my last video on the Trinity, we examined the role of Holy Spirit and determined that whatever it actually is, it is not a person, and so could not be the third leg in our three-legged Trinity stool.  I got a lot of staunch defenders of...

Examinând Trinitatea: Partea 1, Ce ne învață istoria?

Eric: Bună ziua, mă numesc Eric Wilson. Videoclipul pe care urmează să-l vedeți a fost înregistrat acum câteva săptămâni, dar din cauza bolii, nu am putut să-l finalizez până acum. Va fi primul dintre mai multe videoclipuri care analizează doctrina Trinității. Fac videoclipul cu Dr. ....




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