kabéh Topik > Tritunggal

Tarjamahan Alkitab Naon Anu Paling Akurat?

https://youtu.be/kaE6ATdyNo8 From time to time, I get asked to recommend a Bible translation. Often, it’s ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses who ask me because they have come to see how flawed the New World Translation is.  To be fair, while the Witness Bible has its flaws, it...

Sifat Allah: Kumaha Allah Bisa Jadi Tilu Pribadi, Tapi Ngan Hiji?

https://youtu.be/XNEfpTgprQ8   God’s Nature: How Can God Be Three Distinct Persons, But Just One Being? There is something fundamentally wrong with the title of this video. Can you spot it? If not, I’ll get to that at the end. For now, I wanted to mention that I...

The Trinity: dibikeun ku Allah atawa Sourced ku Iblis?

https://youtu.be/KHn66Af8C2c Each time I’ve released a video on the Trinity – this will be the fourth one – I get people commenting that I don’t really understand the Trinity doctrine. They are right. I don’t understand it. But here’s the thing: Each time someone has...

Ayana Logos Ngabuktikeun Tritunggal

https://youtu.be/O_5_OqnnF6M In my last video on the Trinity, we examined the role of Holy Spirit and determined that whatever it actually is, it is not a person, and so could not be the third leg in our three-legged Trinity stool.  I got a lot of staunch defenders of...

Nalungtik Tritunggal, Bagéan 2: Roh Suci Sanés Paksa, Sanés Jalma.

https://youtu.be/klGKCtPbSSk Let’s say that a man were to approach you on the street and tell you, “I’m a Christian, but I don’t believe Jesus is the Son of God.”  What would you think? You probably be wondering if the man had lost his mind. How can you anyone call...

Nguji Tritiga: Bagean 1, Naon anu ngajarkeun sejarah ka urang?

Eric: Halo, nami abdi Eric Wilson. Pidéo anu anjeun badé tingali ieu dirékam sababaraha minggu ka pengker, tapi kusabab kaserang panyakit, kuring henteu tiasa ngalengkepan dugi ka ayeuna. Éta bakal janten anu mimiti tina sababaraha pidéo anu nganalisis doktrin Tritunggal. Abdi nuju pidéo sareng Dr ....




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