Mitu yonse > Makanema

A Gary Breaux Anena Zoyipa Za Bungwe Lolamulira! We’re about to take a hard look at a very recent Morning Worship presentation delivered by Gary Breaux, a Helper to the Service Committee, working with the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses at Watch Tower headquarters in Warwick, New...

"Kuwala Kwatsopano" kwa Geoffrey Jackson Kutha Kukutayani Moyo Wanu

Takambirana nkhani ziwiri mpaka pano m’nkhani yathu ya Msonkhano Wapachaka wa Mboni za Yehova wa October 2023. Mpaka pano palibe nkhani yomwe ili ndi chidziwitso chomwe mungachitcha "chowopseza moyo". Izi zatsala pang'ono kusintha. Nkhani yosiyirana yotsatira, yokambidwa ndi Geoffrey...

Zoona Mwapang'ono ndi Mabodza Owonekera: Kupewa Gawo 5

M’vidiyo yapitapo ya mpambo uno wonena za kupeŵa monga momwe Mboni za Yehova zimachitira, tinapenda Mateyu 18:17 pamene Yesu akuuza ophunzira ake kuchitira munthu wochimwa wosalapa monga ngati kuti munthuyo ndi “Mkunja kapena wokhometsa msonkho.” Mboni za Yehova zimaphunzitsidwa kuti . . .

Kukumbukira Carl Olof Jonsson (1937 - 2023)

Carl Olof Jonsson, (1937-2023) Ndangolandira imelo kuchokera kwa Rud Persson, mlembi wa Coup Rutherford, kundiuza kuti mnzake wanthawi yayitali komanso mnzake wofufuza, Carl Olof Jonsson, wamwalira m'mawa uno, Epulo 17, 2023. M'bale Jonsson akanakhala ali 86...

Mkulu Watumiza Lemba Lowopseza Mlongo Amene Akufuna Naye

Kodi Mboni za Yehova ndi Akristu oona? Iwo amaganiza kuti ali. Inenso ndimaganiza choncho, koma timatsimikizira bwanji? Yesu anatiuza kuti timazindikira anthu mmene alili chifukwa cha ntchito zawo. Kotero, ine ndikuwerengerani inu chinachake. Awa ndi mawu achidule omwe atumizidwa ku...

Uthenga Weniweni Kuseri kwa Lamulo la Sabata In my previous video which was part 1 of this series on the Sabbath and the Mosaic law, we learned that Christians are not required to keep the Sabbath as ancient Israelites did. We are free to do so, of course, but that would be a...

Kodi Chipulumutso Chathu Chimadalira Kusunga Tsiku la Sabata?

Kodi chipulumutso chathu monga Akristu chimadalira pa kusunga Sabata? Amuna onga Mark Martin, yemwe kale anali wa Mboni za Yehova, amalalikira kuti Akhristu ayenera kusunga Sabata mlungu uliwonse kuti apulumuke. Monga akufotokozera, kusunga Sabata kumatanthauza kuika pambali nthawi ya maola 24...

Anthu Amachita Kuonera Kanema Wanga Wa Mzimu Woyera

Muvidiyo yapitayi yamutu wakuti “Kodi Mumadziwa Bwanji Kuti Mwadzozedwa ndi Mzimu Woyera?” Ndinatchula za Utatu kukhala chiphunzitso chonyenga. Ndinanena kuti ngati mumakhulupirira Utatu, simukutsogoleredwa ndi Mzimu Woyera, chifukwa Mzimu Woyera sukanakutsogolerani ku...

Kodi Mumadziwa Bwanji Kuti Mwadzozedwa ndi Mzimu Woyera?

Ndimalandira maimelo pafupipafupi kuchokera kwa akhristu anzanga omwe akutuluka mu Gulu la Mboni za Yehova ndikupeza njira yobwerera kwa Khristu komanso kudzera mwa iye kwa Atate wathu wakumwamba, Yahweh. Ndimayesetsa kuyankha imelo iliyonse yomwe ndimalandira chifukwa tonse ndife ...

Kodi Baibulo Lomasuliridwa Bwino Kwambiri Ndi Liti? From time to time, I get asked to recommend a Bible translation. Often, it’s ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses who ask me because they have come to see how flawed the New World Translation is.  To be fair, while the Witness Bible has its flaws, it...

Kodi Pemphero Limasiyana Bwanji kwa Ana a Mulungu? Following the release in English and Spanish of my last video on the question of whether or not it’s proper to pray to Jesus, I got a fair bit of pushback.  Now, I expected that from the Trinitarian movement because, after all, to...

Kodi Kupemphera kwa Yesu Khristu N'kulakwa? Hello everyone! I’m often asked whether it is proper for us to pray to Jesus Christ. It’s an interesting question. I’m sure that a Trinitarian would answer: “Of course, we should pray to Jesus.  After all, Jesus is God.” Given that logic,...

Stephen Lett Akulankhula ndi Mawu a Mlendo This video will focus on the September 2022 monthly broadcast of Jehovah’s Witnesses presented by Stephen Lett of the Governing Body. The goal of their September broadcast is to convince Jehovah’s Witnesses to turn a deaf ear to anyone who...

PIMO Sadzakhalanso: Kuvomereza Khristu Pamaso Pa Anthu (This video is aimed specifically at Jehovah's Witnesses, so I will be using the New World Translation all the time unless otherwise stated.) The term PIMO is of recent origin and was coined by Jehovah’s Witnesses who find...

Anapeŵa Kuphunzira Baibulo This video exposes the true nature of the Organization's campaign to suppress any challenge to the authority of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Mgonero wa Ambuye: Kukumbukira Yesu Momwe Iye Ankafunira Ife! The Lord’s Evening Meal: Remembering our Lord as He Wanted Us To! My sister who lives in Florida hasn't been going to meetings at the Kingdom hall for over five years. In all that time, no one from her former congregation has visited her...

Kodi Tingapulumutsidwe Bwanji Podutsa Moto? Jesus told his disciples that he would send the spirit and the spirit would guide them into all the truth. John 16:13 Well, when I was a Jehovah’s Witness, it wasn’t the spirit that guided me but the Watch Tower corporation. As a...

Utatu: Unaperekedwa ndi Mulungu Kapena Wochokera kwa Satana? Each time I’ve released a video on the Trinity – this will be the fourth one – I get people commenting that I don’t really understand the Trinity doctrine. They are right. I don’t understand it. But here’s the thing: Each time someone has...

Geoffrey Jackson Amalepheretsa Kukhalapo kwa Khristu mu 1914

M’vidiyo yanga yomaliza ya mutu wakuti, “Kuwala Kwatsopano kwa Geoffrey Jackson Kutsekereza Kulowa mu Ufumu wa Mulungu” ndinafotokoza nkhani imene m’bale Geoffrey Jackson wa m’Bungwe Lolamulira anakamba pa msonkhano wapachaka wa 2021 wa Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Jackson anali akutulutsa "kuwala kwatsopano" pa ...

Kupulumutsa Anthu Gawo 6: Kumvetsetsa Chikondi cha Mulungu In the previous video of this series titled “Saving Humanity, Part 5: Can we Blame God for our Pain, Misery, and Suffering?" I said that we would begin our study concerning the salvation of humanity by going back to the beginning and...

Kodi Pali Umboni Woti Mzimu Woyera Wachoka pa I don't have time to comment on all the mistakes the Watchtower Society makes in its publications, but every now and then something catches my eye and I cannot, in good conscience, overlook it. People are trapped in this organization...

Kuphunzira pa Zolakwa za Komiti Yanga Yachiweruzo Ikupempha Apilo The purpose of this video is to provide a little bit of information to assist those who are seeking to leave the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Your natural desire will be to preserve, if possible, your relationship with your family...

Kupulumutsa Umunthu, Gawo 2: Moyo ndi Imfa, Maganizo Anu Kapena a Mulungu?

Yehova Mulungu ndiye analenga zamoyo. Adalenganso imfa. Tsopano, ngati ndikufuna kudziwa kuti moyo ndi chiyani, moyo umayimira chiyani, sizomveka kupita kaye kwa amene adalenga? Zomwezo zitha kunenedwanso pakufa. Ngati ndikufuna kudziwa kuti imfa ndi chiyani, chomwe chimapangidwa, sichingatero ...

Kodi Kubadwanso Kumatanthauzanji?

Ndili wa Mboni za Yehova ndinkalalikira khomo ndi khomo. Nthawi zambiri ndimakumana ndi a Evangelical omwe amandifunsa kuti, "Kodi ndiwe wobadwanso?" Tsopano kunena chilungamo, monga mboni sindinamvetsetse tanthauzo lakubadwa ...

A Mboni za Yehova Akuphwanya Malamulo a U.S.

Mlandu wopha wapolisi wakale Derek Chauvin atamwalira a George Floyd udawunikidwa pa TV. M'chigawo cha Minnesota, ndizololedwa kuwulutsa mayesero ngati onse agwirizana. Komabe, panthawiyi otsutsawo sanafune kuti mlanduwu uimbidwe ...

Kupulumutsa Anthu, Gawo 1: Imfa za 2, Zamoyo ziwiri, Kuukitsidwa kwa 2

Masabata angapo apitawo, ndinapeza zotsatira za CAT scan yomwe inawululidwa kuti valavu ya aortic mu mtima mwanga yapanga aneurysm yoopsa. Zaka zinayi zapitazo, ndipo patangopita milungu isanu ndi umodzi kuchokera pamene mkazi wanga anamwalira ndi khansa, ndinachitidwa opaleshoni yamtima-makamaka, Bentall ...

Chifundo Chipambana Chiweruzo In our last video, we studied how our salvation depends on our willingness not only to repent of our sins but also on our readiness to forgive others who repent of the wrongs they have committed against us. In this video, we are going to...

Kodi Tiyenera Kukhululukira Aliyense Kuti Apulumutsidwe? We have all been hurt by someone in our life.  The hurt may be so severe, the betrayal so devastating, that we can never imagine being able to forgive that person.  This can pose a problem for true Christians because we are supposed to...

Kukhalapo kwa Logos Kumatsimikizira Utatu In my last video on the Trinity, we examined the role of Holy Spirit and determined that whatever it actually is, it is not a person, and so could not be the third leg in our three-legged Trinity stool.  I got a lot of staunch defenders of...

Udindo Wa Akazi Mumpingo Wachikhristu (Gawo 4): Kodi Akazi Azipemphera Ndi Kuphunzitsa?

Paulo akuwoneka kuti akutiuza pa 1 Akorinto 14:33, 34 kuti akazi ayenera kukhala chete pamisonkhano yampingo ndikudikirira kuti afike kunyumba kukafunsa amuna awo ngati ali ndi mafunso. Izi zikutsutsana ndi mawu am'mbuyomu a Paulo pa 1 Akorinto 11: 5, 13 olola akazi kupemphera komanso kunenera m'misonkhano yampingo. Kodi tingathetse bwanji izi zomwe zikuwoneka ngati zotsutsana m'mawu a Mulungu?

Udindo Wa Akazi Mumpingo Wachikhristu (Gawo 2) Mbiri ya M'baibulo

Tisanayambe kulingalira za ntchito yomwe akazi angachite mu dongosolo lachikhristu la Mulungu, tifunikira kuwona momwe Yehova Mulungu mwiniyo adagwiritsirira ntchito iwo m'mbuyomu pofufuza nkhani ya m'Baibulo ya akazi ambiri achikhulupiriro munthawi zachiisraeli komanso zachikhristu.

Udindo Wa Akazi Mumpingo Wachikhristu (Gawo 1): Mau Oyamba

Udindo mthupi la Khristu womwe akazi akuyenera wagwiritsidwa ntchito molakwika ndi kugwiritsidwa ntchito molakwika ndi amuna kwazaka mazana ambiri. Yakwana nthawi yoti tichotse malingaliro onse ndi kukondera komwe amuna ndi akazi adyetsedwa ndi atsogoleri achipembedzo azipembedzo zosiyanasiyana za Dziko Lapansi ndikumvera zomwe Mulungu akufuna kuti tichite. Makanemawa awunikira udindo wa amayi mkati mwa cholinga chachikulu cha Mulungu polola kuti malembo azilankhulira okha ndikuwulula zoyesayesa zambiri zomwe amuna ayesa kupotoza tanthauzo lawo akamakwaniritsa mawu a Mulungu pa Genesis 3:16.

Podzudzula "Ampatuko Olakwika", Kodi Bungwe Lolamulira Ladziweruza?

Posachedwa, Gulu la Mboni za Yehova latulutsa kanema pomwe m'modzi mwa mamembala awo amatsutsa ampatuko ndi "adani" ena. Kanemayo anali ndi mutu wakuti: "Anthony Morris III: Yehova 'Adzakwaniritsa' (Yes. 46:11)” ndipo ukhoza kupezeka potsatira ulalo uwu:

Kodi anali wolondola kudzudzula iwo omwe amatsutsa ziphunzitso za Mboni za Yehova mwanjira imeneyi, kapena kodi malembo omwe amawatsutsa ena pamapeto pake amabweza utsogoleri wabungwe?

Njira Yoweruzira ya Mboni za Yehova: Yachokera kwa Mulungu Kapena kwa Satana?

Pofuna kuti mpingo ukhale woyera, a Mboni za Yehova amachotsa mumpingo anthu onse osalapa. Iwo amatsatira lamuloli m'mawu a Yesu komanso mtumwi Paulo ndi Yohane. Ambiri amati ndondomekoyi ndi yankhanza. Kodi a Mboni akunamiziridwa zopanda chilungamo chifukwa chongomvera malamulo a Mulungu, kapena kodi akugwiritsa ntchito malemba ngati chowiringula pakuchita zoyipa? Pokha pokha pokha pokha pokha pokha pokha potsatira malangizidwe a m'Baibulo m'pamene iwo anganene kuti ali ndi chivomerezo cha Mulungu, apo ayi, ntchito zawo zingawazindikiritse kuti ndi "ochita zosayeruzika". (Mateyu 7:23)

Ndi chiyani? Kanemayo ndi wotsatira ayesa kuyankha mafunso motsimikiza.

Media, Ndalama, Misonkhano, ndi Ine Hello everyone and thanks for joining me. Today I wanted to talk on four topics: media, money, meetings and me. Beginning with media, I’m specifically referring to the publication of a new book called Fear to Freedom which was put together...

Kusanthula Utatu: Gawo 1, Kodi mbiri yakale imatiphunzitsa chiyani?

Eric: Moni, dzina langa ndi Eric Wilson. Vidiyo yomwe mukufuna kuti muwonere idalembedwa milungu ingapo yapitayo, koma chifukwa chodwala, sindinathe kumaliza mpaka pano. Udzakhala woyamba mwa makanema angapo osanthula chiphunzitso cha Utatu. Ndikupanga kanema ndi Dr ....

Kodi munga wanu ndi chiyani?

Ndimangowerenga 2 Akorinto pomwe Paulo amalankhula zakukumana ndi munga m'thupi. Kodi mukukumbukira gawo limenelo? Monga Mboni ya Yehova, ndinaphunzitsidwa kuti mwina ankanena za vuto lake la maso. Sindinakonde kutanthauzirako. Zimangowoneka ...

Malingaliro A Zauchifwamba ndi Great Trickster

Moni nonse. Ndakhala ndikutumiza maimelo ndi ndemanga ndikufunsa zomwe zachitika ndi makanema. Yankho lake ndi losavuta. Ndakhala ndikudwala, kotero kupanga kudayamba. Ndili bwino tsopano. Osadandaula. Sanali COVID-19, vuto la Shingles. Mwachiwonekere, ndinali ndi ...

Kusanthula Mateyo 24, Gawo 13: Chifanizo cha Nkhosa ndi Mbuzi

Atsogoleri a Mboni amagwiritsa ntchito Fanizo la Nkhosa ndi Mbuzi kunena kuti chipulumutso cha "Nkhosa Zina" chimadalira pakumvera kwawo malangizo a Bungwe Lolamulira. Amanena kuti fanizoli "likutsimikizira" kuti pali magulu awiri achipulumutso omwe 144,000 amapita kumwamba, pomwe ena onse amakhala ngati ochimwa padziko lapansi kwazaka 1,000. Kodi ndiye tanthauzo lenileni la fanizoli kapena kodi a Mboni ali nazo zonse zolakwika? Chitani nafe kuti tifufuze umboniwo ndikusankha nokha.




Zolemba ndi Mwezi
