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Hvaða biblíuþýðing er nákvæmust? From time to time, I get asked to recommend a Bible translation. Often, it’s ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses who ask me because they have come to see how flawed the New World Translation is.  To be fair, while the Witness Bible has its flaws, it...

Hvernig er bænin öðruvísi fyrir börn Guðs? Following the release in English and Spanish of my last video on the question of whether or not it’s proper to pray to Jesus, I got a fair bit of pushback.  Now, I expected that from the Trinitarian movement because, after all, to...

Er rangt að biðja til Jesú Krists? Hello everyone! I’m often asked whether it is proper for us to pray to Jesus Christ. It’s an interesting question. I’m sure that a Trinitarian would answer: “Of course, we should pray to Jesus.  After all, Jesus is God.” Given that logic,...

Hvernig getum við frelsast með því að fara í gegnum logana? Jesus told his disciples that he would send the spirit and the spirit would guide them into all the truth. John 16:13 Well, when I was a Jehovah’s Witness, it wasn’t the spirit that guided me but the Watch Tower corporation. As a...

Hvað þýðir það að vera „endurfæddur“?

Þegar ég var vottur Jehóva tók ég þátt í að prédika hús úr húsi. Margoft rakst ég á kristniboðsmenn sem myndu skora á mig með spurningunni „Ertu fæddur á ný?“ Nú til að vera sanngjarn, sem vitni skildi ég virkilega ekki hvað það þýddi að fæðast ...

Miskunn sigrar yfir dómi In our last video, we studied how our salvation depends on our willingness not only to repent of our sins but also on our readiness to forgive others who repent of the wrongs they have committed against us. In this video, we are going to...

Biblíusöngvar: Er sannleikurinn mikilvægur? I want to read you something that Jesus said.  This is from the New Living Translation of Matthew 7:22, 23. “On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many...

Hvað er þyrninn þinn í kjötinu?

Ég var einmitt að lesa 2. Korintubréf þar sem Páll talar um að vera þyrinn í holdi. Manstu eftir þeim hluta? Sem vottur Jehóva var mér kennt að hann vísaði líklega til slæmrar sjón sinnar. Mér fannst þessi túlkun aldrei góð. Það virtist bara ...

Biblíufundir: vantar okkur punktinn? In response to the last video—Part 5—in the Matthew 24 series, one of the regular viewers sent me an email asking about how two seemingly related passages can be understood.  Some would call these problematic passages. Bible scholars...




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